About the company
The audit firm "Ukrainian Audit Service" is a leading audit company that has been operating in the market of audit services since 1993 - from the very beginning of auditing in Ukraine. LLC "Ukrainian Audit Service" fully complies with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Auditing Financial Statements and Auditing" and has the right to conduct a mandatory audit of financial statements of any enterprise, including enterprises of public interest (PSI). This right is confirmed by the inclusion of the company number 2013 to the 4th, the most honorable, section of the Register of the UBA "AUDIT ENTITIES WHO HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONDUCT A MANDATORY AUDIT OF FINANCIAL REPORT. The register is public, published and maintained up-to-date on the Internet on the website of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine: https://www.apu.com.ua/
LLC "Ukrainian Audit Service" in 2016 passed an inspection of quality control of audit services and in accordance with the Decision of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine №332 / 4 from 27.10.2016 received the Certificate of Conformity of Quality Control, valid until 31.12.2021.
In 2020, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, LLC "Ukrainian Audit Service" passed another inspection of quality control of audit services and according to its results was recognized as having passed an inspection of quality control of audit services with mandatory recommendations (order OSNAD № 15th from 29.01.2021). The order is published on the OSNAD website: http://www.apob.org.ua/?page_id=247
The general director of firm Zamkova GG is responsible for internal quality control.
Since 2012, Ukrainian Audit Service LLC has been annually concluding contracts of voluntary civil liability insurance of an auditing entity to third parties.
We employ professionals with many years of experience, have a high level of training and practical experience in providing audit and consulting services. The quality of services meets the requirements of International Standards on Auditing. The company's specialists are members of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine, the Union of Auditors of Ukraine, the Professional Organization of Auditors, Accountants and Teachers of OKD, the Union of Tax Consultants of Ukraine, the Guild of Professional Internal Auditors of Ukraine. Employees of the company are diplomas of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), FPBAU and certificates of the Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA).
The firm has many years of experience in providing audit and consulting services to banks, industrial enterprises, trade enterprises, financial, insurance companies and other enterprises.
During the work on the market of audit services we have gained extensive experience and professional knowledge in various areas of business:
freight and passenger transportation by air and rail
oil refining industry
gas industry
aircraft construction
jewelry production
production of bakery products
insurance activity
wholesale and retail trade (including foreign trade)
production of medicines
activities of mutual investment institutions
consulting activities.
Individual approach and attentive attitude to the client - our principled position. Strict observance of confidentiality and professional ethics by our employees guarantees clients a high level of information protection.
Order OSNAD №15-kya from 29.01.2021, insurance certificate:
During our work in the market of audit services, we have gained a lot of experience and professional knowledge in various areas of business:
cargo and passenger transportation by air and railway transport
oil refining industry
gas production industry
aircraft construction
production of jewelry
production of bakery products
insurance activity
wholesale and retail trade (including foreign trade)
production of medicines
activities of joint investment institutes
consulting activity.
An individual approach and attentive attitude towards the client is our fundamental position. Our employees' strict adherence to confidentiality and professional ethics guarantees clients a high level of information protection.